Monday, January 3, 2011


Dark Clear Early Morning (w/ Stars!)

I forgot to bring a camera this morning, but it was too dark to really matter anyway :-p

It was SPOOKY this morning! I don't think watching a zombie movie last night helped :-p A creepy car drove past real slow, and then I heard the sound of a police siren, but really quick, then I think the car drove past real fast again. But it might have been a different car... There's also a lot of black ice out there, which Ozzie is not a fan of. Poor doggie was slipping on it, but of course that didn't stop him from having fun!

Nothing really thought provoking this morning.. I think it's far too early..

Sunday, January 2, 2011

An Argument For a Good Camera

Cloudy w/ Ground Fog

I am not one to carry a camera with me. I figure if I need to take a picture I have my iPhone with me, which has a camera. Today is a really unique day - landscape wise. The snow from the recent blizzard is still on the ground, but it's nearly 50° outside. The snow is melting and creating a mysterious ground fog, which is even more beautiful looking down or up upon it through the woods. I tried to capture the brilliance of it with my iPhone's camera, but it just didn't do the scenery any justice.

My argument against cameras is that people get so absorbed in capturing the moment that they forget to LIVE the moment. Then they start to harass you and limit your abilities to enjoy your moments as well. I don't mind when people snap a photo here and there, or if you are going to a photo shoot with the purpose of sitting there for an hour to get photos taken, or if you are going on a nature walk with the purpose of capturing the natural beauty as you go. But it seems like a waste of important moments to spend half or more of them trying to capture them in print forever.

But, there is also great benefit from capturing pieces of important moments in time. My memory isn't as great as I like to think it is, and without photos I might not remember every important event, or even the little moments that bring pleasure to me - like the fog in the woods this morning.

I am going to try to remember to bring my real camera with me for my walks with Ozzie from this point forward. I think this will be a good change for me, and help me to appreciate photos and those who take photos.

I also think that a blog isn't as effective as it can be with words alone. A photo a day to illustrate my discoveries while walking Ozzie will help to improve my blog, and thus help to accomplish a New Year's resolution of mine.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Sunny & MELTING!

Today is the first day of 2011, and I have lots of resolutions! One of my resolutions is to write in this blog at least once a week, to maintain it, and to build it into something really cool! To accomplish this I might need to learn a bit more about the computer.../internetting..

Here are my 2011 Resolutions:
  • walk Ozzie at least 2 miles every day
  • post to my blog at least once a week
  • learn to make my blog more awesome
  • knit/crochet on the commuter rail and at home
  • read at home in place of tv
  • play my instruments
  • organize the house
  • get a gun license
  • get a motorcycle permit
  • take my job more seriously
  • look for a new job
  • clean the chinchillas' cage weekly
  • maintain an address book and send out birthday/holiday cards
All very do-able things that should help to keep me a happy Sue :)

While walking Ozzie today I thought about my resolutions and how fun it will be to keep them. I made resolutions of things I've been meaning to do and things I want to do, nothing I don't think I can accomplish. I should resolve to get my ankle looked at.. I was looking at it this morning and it's different looking than my other ankle. When I slide on the snow and it bends too much I can't help but yelp in pain. I'm pretty sure that's not normal. I go to the doctor when I don't need to, and I don't go when I do :-p I should resolve to figure out when I need to go! Maybe 2012 will bring that brilliance my way.

Now Ozzie and I are going to relax and watch Eat, Pray, Love, a book I thoroughly enjoyed! I hope the movie is just as inspiring. HAPPY 2011 :)