Saturday, July 31, 2010

Darn Bugs!!!


Those horseflys are HORRIBLE!! And those little bee things too! What ARE those things?! I guess I need to stop shampooing and conditioning with pomegranate shampoo, then putting coconut leave in conditioner in, then putting on perfume, then walking :-p ::sigh:: I bought natural bug spray, but it makes me smell icky!

Oz and I went for a little jog on our walk this morning. It was fun! We didn't jog too far tho, he kept pulling to go smell the weeds :-p We walked mostly through the woods today too, which was fun! I tried to jog with Oz again through our walk, but he was tired out.. I guess he's not a jogging dog!! I might have to venture out without him sometime and try it on my own. I think it's something I'd like to give a legitimate try. More to come on that later! :)

Successful walk! Oz is pooped and laying on the cool floor :) Maybe I'll give him some ice cream to cool him down :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Walking in the Rain


Nothing like a brisk walk in the rain to wake you up! I fell asleep on the couch when I got home, but I felt bad for the Ozman, so I took him out on his walk. It started to rain, and did a great job at waking me up! We had a good time! The hornets were still relentless :(

I didn't really think about too much on the walk! It was a nice time :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Partly Cloudy/sprinkling at the end!

Stupid bee. We were walking by the gate into the woods and all of a sudden my ankle stings, a lot! OUCH! I looked down to see if I brushed by a thorn, but it hurt more than that, and there was no mark. I was so confused. Bewildered. I kneel down to look at my ankle and still see nothing, but it hurts where my tattoo is. I look closer.. Did a bee just sting the flower tattooed on my ankle? Did a bee REALLY just do that? Yup. What a dumb bee! So now my ankle hurts :-p I was grumpy the first half of the walk, but then the walk itself made me less grumpy. I had to make sure we didn't stop and sniff things for too long tho, as soon as I stop walking my ankle starts to sting again! We saw lots of flying things today - stupid bees, butterflies, dragonflies. It was a pretty walk. AND we made it back just as it started to sprinkle! The sprinkling water was refreshing, but I'm glad we missed the torrential downpours I'm sure are to come soon! There was thunder rumbling in the distance the whole walk, which is surprisingly soothing. Now we're sitting on the couch - Oz is napping, he ate all his breakfast like a good doggie! - and I'm sitting with a pack of ice on my ankle :-p Can you see that redness all around the flower? What an insane bee...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Groundhog Day

Walking to our woods entrance we saw a groundhog scamper across the street and into the wood. This was VERY exciting, and we had to try and catch him. No success, mostly because I slow the Ozman down :-p We did finally manage to put him out of our minds and complete our walk tho :) Which is always good! The hornets were in full force this morning too... ::sigh:: Anyone get that hair line completed yet? I forgot to mention, the whole problem arisies because I want it to also be natural.. No weird chemicals, please. Thank you! We also saw lots of cats this morning, some bunnies, bugs. No doggies, they were all still asleep!! Oz was looking around for his doggie friends - I told him they were all lazy bums. Oz was a bit surprised when I got his collar to put on him at 5:50 in the morning! He doesn't pull as much when he's half asleep either :) I'd like to add a photo each day from our walks. Today's post includes a picture, something I found interesting! Enjoy!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Time to Explore New Lands

I think we should start walking other places. Today the sky was so blue and pretty, and the bushes and trees were so green! It was a very pretty walk. I think it would be fun to explore some new places! Bare Cove Park sounds like a good place to start! Maybe Saturday we'll get a chance to go there, if the weather cooperates! I'd also love to try Blue Hills for hiking.. but I'm not so sure that's a place to hang out alone :-p I'm going to keep an eye out for some other nice walking areas that we can check out!

I really enjoyed todays walk and was struck by how much things change all the time. No walk is the same as the last. We'll always spot something new, like today we saw a butterfly, see the colors in different tones and hues, like today the sky was SO blue and the trees and bushes were SO green, and then there's always that one lone purple wildflower to break up the green wave. Walking is so relaxing :) Our evening walk was around the neighborhood on the pavement tho; working on those nails! Got the front ones all clipped, I don't think my file does too much.. So we walked on the pavement to act as a file! Maybe once a week we'll be sure to have a pavement walk to keep those nails trim - the grass isn't doing it! :-p

A successful day of walks :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Outside Girl Hair Products

Someone needs to invent a line of hair products that DON'T attract hornets! There's nothing worse than walking the dog and having hornets swarm my head. I think the most annoying part of it is the humming in my ears! AH! It'll drive you crazy. Most likely it doesn't help that my hair either has coconut leave in conditioner in it or rosemary juniper detangling spray everyday :-p I think I'll put this item on my inventions page! And do an internet search to see if it exists already!! I'm sure there's some gross smelling stuff out there that doesn't attract bugs... but I want something that smells pleasant, conditions/detangles my hair, makes it soft and managable... In fact, here's a list of products my hair will require, for whomever decides to make this line of hair products for me:
  • shampoo
  • conditioner
  • leave in conditioner
  • detangling spray
  • mousse
  • gel
and they must be:
  • for curly hair
  • sleekening
  • hydrating
  • cleansing
  • de-frizzing
  • for color treated hair
now.. get to work! :) I thank you a million in advance! :D OH! And I've already named it for you:

Old Disney Movies Are Way Cooler

Oz started to pull, and I had no idea what he was after. I couldn't see anything worth getting excited about, just some stupid birds (dogs who chase birds annoy me for some reason. I think cause there's so many birds everywhere!!) But as we got closer I saw the little chipmunk among the birds! It reminded me of the mice and birds in Cinderella, making her dress. These birds and the one chipmunk looked like they were having a meeting! So now I want to watch Cinderella again because Gus is cool :)

Monday, July 5, 2010


Night Darkness
(I brought a flashlight!!)

Tonight we started our walk off with a brief jog. This brief jog was actually a lot longer than my jogs usually are. I was able to jog straighter, longer and wasn't dying five seconds into it. I think we'll work on this further, because we seem to be getting better at it without really trying! I've never been a runner. I think I just try to go too fast, too far, too quickly.. I need to start at my abilities and work from there. It actually feels pretty nice to get a rhythm going and jog with Oz. I hope he enjoys it! Under the cover of darkness we shall continue to work on our jogging skills.

Also, not related to jogging, but WTF is this?! If I lived across the street from these people I would NOT BE HAPPY!!!

These ridiculous blue lights ruined my night vision from down the street! Can you imagine these shining right into your house!?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

You Can't Force a Thought


The first day of this new project was a bit frustrating. I kept thinking of the book "Eat, Pray, Love." I LOVED this book and it has made me want to spend a month in Italy at some point in my life. While walking and thinking about my new blog, it didn't feel natural. Each thought felt forced, not the usual relaxing flow of consciousness I usually experience while walking Ozman. My mind kept going back to the book, when she is trying to meditate in India and has such a difficult time keeping her thoughts from controlling her mind. I think it will take a bit of time before I'm back to normal with my flowing thoughts and can separate the blog from my walks during my walks. This is meant to complement my walks, not control them.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

It's Never Too Late to Begin!

I've decided to create a blog! This is very exciting, I know :) I've been thinking about it for some time, and since I'm waiting for my iPhone to update to the 4 operating system, I figured I had some time to set this thing up.

On my twice daily walks with Oz, I do a lot of thinking, reflecting and often find some really cool things inside and out! I keep thinking I should document these moments somehow, and a blog seems like the way to do it.

The goal is to post once a day and share ONE thing I've discovered - something material (like that time we saw the dead deer next to the retaining pond, then floating in it, then next to it again..), or something about myself. Walking provides for a clear head and many epiphanies!

To new projects! :D